The peoples of Bair


Everything that there is on the cultures of bair at this moment. I will be treating each in depth, but this is what is there for now





The history of life on Bair is a difficult study to say the least. To study it one can only look through the eight thousand year old Ezleg records and try and decipher the small amount of archaeological evidence from them. Imagine the difficulties our scientists have had in discovering the ‘missing link’ and add to that the fact that the peoples of Bair are using eight thousand year old archaeological records, and then one may vaguely understand the situation governing the historical studies of life on Bair. However, with these records and the help of the Minare, a large amount of information can be discerned.

Another problem is that the Ezleg calendar is almost a full stop on history. Very little is known before it. Indeed the Ezleg themselves did think that their beginning was the beginning until they learned more of the ways of the world. However many Mavine have taken the Ezleg calendar as if its beginning was the beginning. In truth the Ezleg calendar corresponds more with the coming of the Minare. Indeed, it was they who first helped the Ezleg organise it.

So if Bair existed before the Ezleg calendar, how old is the world? The peoples of the fourth era made many guesses beyond reason, but more are made in guess or else to justify legends than with facts. Even the Minare and the Ezleg, with far more information available to them than perhaps any other race save perhaps only the Aranixara, could not give any real estimate. Hiare reckons, that due to the differences between related races, that life must be several hundred thousand years old at the very least, and that the age of the world must be much more than this.

We have only two different sources for history before the Ezleg calendar, both coming from the same race. The first is a testimony of the only Kulezi ever to be found alive. She was found by the Ezleg in the Avinkazag in the fifth century. She was very old, but she told the Ezleg all she could, including giving them access to her language, which was vital for deciphering the second source. She died not long after the Ezleg found her, but she said that others of her race may well have survived, but so far, none had ever been found.

The second source was found by the Ezleg in the Avin Alak. They discovered in the sixth century, many great Kulezi tombs. Some were only around a thousand years old, others were tens of thousands. Inside one, they found a collection of sixty gold tablets which recorded the history of the Kulezi, as well as many other tablets recording other information about that people. Thanks to the old Kulezi that they had found years before, they were able to decipher the tablets and a vast historical/legendary history was revealed. Those tablets revealed more about the past than every other source put together.

The tablets refer back over thirty thousand years, but much of that is referred to only in legend. The oldest known Kulezi tomb dates back to around –15000 FE, and the final one, in which the tablets were found, dates to around –600 FE

The most important aspect of the tablets however is that they claim that all intelligent life on Bair was related. The Kulezi refer to may other races, including the Ezleg in brief, who were related to them, and to others who were said to be much more distantly related, but none the less still were.

This formed the basis for the following classification. All Intelligent life is grouped under the Kaldon title; Lamarpelara “people of history” this in turn is devised into two different groups, the Zakwalith “mind beings” and the Kalrem “speakers of power” This would of course be pure speculation, but the Minare and the Rempelara have the ability to see genetic similarities, and thus they have confirmed it. The only race which does not fit the pattern at all is the Nikarin, but since they are still an intelligent race, they are included here.

The below table sets out the relations of the different races as far as can be told. It does not show time in the general sense, for the all the natural divisions save one {the Korsiano and the Hloridvalm} Took place so far back in the past that we can never give a date to it.


The Zakwalith are seemingly the older of the two groups, and the descendant races are usually much larger in physical size than the Kalrem peoples. The oddity here is the Kalrathen, who are much closer in size to the Kalrem, but they are certainly part of that group as they are closer to the Kulezi ancestors than to any Kalrem people. All these races are very resistant to disease, rarely suffering from illnesses from bacteria or virus, though they are not utterly immune. In physical strength and endurance they are also quite often stronger than the Kalrem, but intelligence differs between them, and they do not have any true advantage in that respect.


The Kalrem are of much slighter builds than the Zakwalith, but all have a telepathic ability of some degree which none of the Zakwalith have. The Mavine can be Rempelari and are often empathic. The Seldar are touch telepaths and share mental bonds with their mates, which passes emotion and feeling between them. The Aranixara are group telepathic across the entire race, and the Relesar have lost the ability to speak and can communicate only by telepathy – being by far the most advanced race in such things save only perhaps the Minare, and the Romine preserve both the emphatic nature of the Mavine and the touch telepathic nature of the Seldar to a certain degree.


The unique thing about both groups is the rate at which they can evolve. In a single generation of the Ezleg, distinct genetic changes can occur to suit the environment, such as cold and heat resilience. This ability to adapt is stronger among the Zakwalith, but effects the Kalrem also. But basic characteristics of race will remain the same for a long time. It took four thousand years of repression before the Estermaduran’s began to loose the ability to grow as tall or be as physically strong. Changes for the most part advance, not reduce, strength and ability.





The Zakwalith


The Kulezi “The forgotten


This long lost race are the oldest mortal beings known to have existed on Bair. Opinions differ on whether or not they were the original Zakwalith from which all the others developed, but which ever way one looks the skeletal remains and the one known sighting of one of them, it must be admitted that they propose a middle ground between the Ezleg and the Kalrathen, being between both races in their average height. But what ever their true position in the family tree of peoples, they are none the less very important in the prehistory of Bair.


Ezlag legends long spoke of this race as the creators of themselves. The legends say that after they were created, they were sent away to the north to protect them from the great plague which afflicted the Kulezi. The legends tell of wars battles and hundreds of races dying, but much of it is only myth, and most of them were discarded after the Ezleg met the Minare. In truth the legends were nearly completely lost.  But in the fifth century of the first era, a group of travellers in the Avinkazag found a surviving Kulezi, who had hidden up there for nigh a thousand years. They led her to Gleneal, where the Mina Navim learned her tongue {As the Minare can do in but moments} He recorded her language and writing, and she told him all she knew of the past, and much of what was in the Ezleg legends was revealed as true. Before she died, she told Navim of tombs in the Avin Alak that may tell him more, and she said that many of her people fled across the oceans to find safety, so that there may be survivors of her race elsewhere. Then she died, the first and last of her race ever to be found in recorded history. Navim took her advice, and with many Ezleg, he went to the Avin Alak and searched. It was no long before the had discovered hundreds of tombs. In one, the most recent of them all, they found sixty golden tablets on which was record their legends and history interwoven, and thanks to Navim recording the Kulezi language, they could read it. These tablets and the tombs have been vital in discovering the history of the Kulezi.


They were known to have existed at least as far back as forty thousand years ago, that is –25000 FE as the older tombs show. The race may be much older, only that the Kulezi had no come to the Avin Alak before that date. From all the sources, it is clear that they were a very advanced race, possessing technologies which were very advanced. For instance, they saw gold had not “value” as in wealth, but saw its use in that it is incorruptible, and thus they wrote their histories on it so that it would be preserved. Traces of their civilisation have been found all over eastern Bairgarand, but most are so well hidden that very little has been discovered save from the tombs.


As a race, as said, they propose a middle ground between the Ezleg and the Kalrathen. The old Kulezi that Navim met had white hair, and wore long, thick clothes, but if this is a culture thing or not we cannot be sure. We have little knowledge about culture or relations between adults and children. In fact the only fact we know is that they had a massive life span of around two thousand years, longer than any other mortal race.


But it is clear that they destroyed themselves first in civil wars, and then they fell to a plague which began around c. –4000 FE. Certainly they were nigh wiped out by –3000, but the last tomb dates from c. –600 FE, so they lingered for a time, until they were lost. However, rumours of this race have been found around Bair, and if what Navim was told was correct, somewhere out there, the Kulezi could still survive, perhaps in the great southern continents. Thus they are lost, but are not yet forgotten.


Kulezi plural Kulezimi is derived from he verb Kulezinath, but is irregular as it is

Often used in the singular to refer to the whole race {a common occurrence in

Kaldon} They called themselves ggatimithoch pl Ikggatimithoch “the people”


The Ezleg “The Noble ones”


The Ezleg, often known as “the first race”, or “the elder race” are the barometer upon which time has been measured. Indeed only they, despite a great many disasters over the last fifteen millennia, have kept a complete historical record of the world {excluding the Minare of course}Every calendar in Bairgarand is based upon the Ezleg system, and every mortal culture  on Bairgarand is derived at least in part from theirs. Their language had remained the lingua franca between all the races of Bairgarand save only the Mavine, and even many of them use it so. Despite their decline of numbers over the years due to wars, they are still both culturally and to a large extent, militarily, the greatest mortal people. Indeed, it has been said that if it were not for the Ezleg, the Mavine would still be living in caves, despite what the Minare did. While perhaps a little strong a statement, there can be little doubt that they have been very important in the history of Bair.


A typical Ezlag stands around ten to twelve feet tall. In many ways they look very much like a Mavine but twice the size. However, their arms are longer, and despite their size, they are far more agile than any Mavine. Their faces are longer, and their eyes are colourless save only the black pupil. And their fingers, while twice as long as any Mavine’s, are none the less little thicker, giving them the ability to Make tools for the Mavine and indeed visa versa. They are long lived, up to six hundred years some, and outwardly, when at peace, give the impression of a simple people. However they are far from it. They are far more intelligent than any Mavine, that is if they are alone to do so. When they are up and about, they may be matched in that respect, but only by the brainy, but give them time alone in a quiet place and they could discuss problems that no Mavine could even contemplate, though why such a dual intelligence happens is unknown. They possess technologies that the Mavine cannot master, or cannot afford, the former such as steam power, and the latter such as printing. For the latter, many Ezleg have set up printers in Mavine cities, as the Mavine simply cannot work the complex printing devices of the Ezleg, and this is how many of them gain their knowledge of the Modern world, “I will print your book for a small sum, if I can read it first” is the general trend, and why the Ezleg who live in other nations are best known as printers, which however, is only one of may skills. On this see further in the laws and customs of the Ezleg. They refuse to use fire powder weapons, but have made many which are easily as viable. Their ships are the only ones on Bair to have iron hulls, and their reasonably small fleets have been known to defeat much stronger forces. Other races have learned not to challenge them.


The Ezleg have often been seen as the great mediators of the peoples. They live most often rural lives, but in danger they band together in little time at all, and only those that know little of them would call them weak. But their loyalty has been tested over the millennia. They have fought the evils since the beginning of their history, and many other enemies besides. However, they are not fighters by nature, and have been drawn into such acts by others, or, in the case of the slavery peoples, the need to defend the rights of others. These days, their numbers are finally beginning to rise, thanks largely to many years of peace, but they are still the smallest in number of all the sane peoples save only the Kalrathen, to whom they are very good friends and companions, often so much so that the Kalrathen are content to live under Ezleg rule. Modern Ezleg more often live in cities than they did in the past, but city life does not bother them, and offers them safety in numbers.


The Ezleg passed many of their traits onto other races. Their belief in Equality has passed abroad, and indeed, those who did not practice it soon did lest they wanted to become enemies. As told in the laws and customs, they despise repression of any form. They have a complex, but seemingly incredibly lenient legal system, which if the Mavine adopted, would lead to anarchy. However it suits Ezleg society fine.


They don’t always mate for life, but mating and marriage are separated entirely. They have rarely more than two children in their lives and their children take only twenty years to reach adult hood, hence the very small amount of children in the population. Also Parents educate their own children, it is not done communally, though Ezleg have been known to make fine teachers for other races, and have done so often in larger cities to teach those who cannot pay to read and write. Such an attitude shows the kind nature of the Ezleg.


The singular Ezlag was formed irregularly from the plural Ezleg very early on.

They have no other commonly used names.


The Kalrathen “those of skill”


The Kalrathen are one of the “middle peoples” from a casual glance one can see that they are much closer related to the Ezlag than the Mavine or Seldar. But they are nonetheless very different. They are seemingly unique amongst the Zakwalith in that they are of a lesser bodily size than the Kulezi. They stand only as tall as a very tall Mavine at slightly more than six feet six. Why this race is the only one of the Zakwalith to have reduced in size is unknown. They have no subterranean heritage, and in all ways they live above ground. They do prefer the hills and other reasonably high lands, and have a high susceptibility to warm climates, they struggle to survive in the long term in climates where the day time temperature rises above around twenty five degrees. Thus this is why they generally choose the highlands and the northern lowland regions. Of course a single day or two of such temperatures they can last out, but long term it will wipe them out.


By look they look very heavily built for their size, almost as if a much taller creature had been squashed. They are very “beefy” and are considered by the Mavine and Seldar to look very over weight, but this is their natural size. The females are distinct from the males in that they have no hair on their heads, while the males have only sparse lank hair. Their faces are somewhat constricted and if they had had their nose squashed. Their skin is red, and they have no hair on their faces, and the males hair is white. In the eyes of other races, they are very ugly indeed. However they are very loyal to alliances and friendships with other races. And their chief product of trade has always been skins of mountain beasts and their collections of great medicinal herbs which they cultivate, for though they, as one of the Zakwalith family rarely need such substances, they have long supplied them for the Mavine. They live around two hundred and fifty years – over a hundred less if they live in countries where the temperature is twenty five degrees or warmer. They mate for life with only a single partner – if that partner dies, they will not mate again. They usually have two children at a time, and they take around thirty years to reach adulthood. They have no system of “Marriage” as such, and don’t believe that they can sexually choose their partner before having children, which is actually quite rare amongst the speaking peoples.


Their name “Speak skill” does not refer to any true general skill of this race, but to their skill in battle. they have very advanced and bloody tactics for battle. They have scythe like weapons which they strap to each arm with a shield over the elbow. With these claw like weapons, they are deadly, and a single Kalrathen can always defeat a single Mavine. However, those two races have rarely come to conflict, unlike another race…


The one distinguishing feature of the Karathen is the fact that though they do not eat very often, once every two days or so, they can only eat meat, raw meat. This instantly conflicts with the Seldar who cannot eat meat. The Seldar hate this and dislike the Kalrathen appearance. The Kalrathen for their part believe that any race which can see the future – even if it is their own death, are evil, and the fact that the Seldar never eat meat made these two races deeply distrustful from the very beginning. Through out the first era there were several small scuffles until nigh the end, their squabbles became violent in the midst of a battle. the defeat which followed they each blamed on each other. Since then they have had many small wars, and occasionally have been on the same side against a greater evil, however, both sides have never fought within a miles of each other on the same side since the first era, the Ezleg know what could happen, as do the Mavine.


Despite this nature, the Kalrathen easily form friendships with other peoples. Mavine and Ezleg have often been their close friends, close enough to trek through the wilds together in any case. They are often hired as bodyguards by Mavine along with the Ezleg, as their loyalty is superb, they will not be bribed or corrupted. They often live inside Ezleg realms, and are always bilingual in Kaldon. However, little is known about their own tongue, which they keep to themselves. Only a few people of close friendship to them ever have the change to learn it


Kalrathen “Speak skill” has no plural, this is because the Kalrathen’s own tongue0

 does not make plural nouns in the normal sense. it is believed that they added

their own “race” marker –en to Kaldon Kal-Rathe “speak-skill”


The Orglag “the damned”


The Orglag are the race seemingly the closest in relation to the Ezleg. In truth, looking at two of their skeletons, one would see only a few differences. However both races are now much different, but much of the difference is now clear to be not because of evolution, but due to corruption.


The original home of the Orglag seems to be along the eastern slopes of the Lainad Bair, and in the lands to the east of the mountains. This is deduced because there are none, and never have been any living west of the Lainad Bair, but they had to have been living near there around the beginning of the Ezleg calendar. No one has ever done any excavations that far east and so we have never found any early Orglag skeletons, which badly limits our analysis of this race. But what ever they were originally like, they soon became much different from, because it was to their homeland that the Evils originally came.


What happened next is all to obvious. They conquered this race before they even had the gift of writing civilisation. In just a few years, the evils had changed them beyond all recognition. The powers of Latanzhear, if misused, can have mutating effects which the Ukarak used in a way that has never again been repeated. Within only a few years, the Orglag had become as they would remain, but even the Ezleg could see that through the corruption, this race had once been like them.


Physically the Orglag stand around ten foot tall, they would be slightly taller, but they are heavily hunched forward, giving a somewhat awkward look about them. Their main difference from the Ezleg is obvious in their skin colour, which is generally a dark green. No other intelligent race has such a skin colour, all others are from red through to blue. This, coupled with flabby, but thick leathery skin, gives them a most unpleasant appearance. Their eyes are large and red, and they have sharp teeth the bottom of which stick outwards. Their “hands,” have thick, and very sharp tearing claws, and they do not where any clothes. Males and females are basically the same in height and general appearance. The female is known to give birth to three live young at a time, but little is known about such matters.


They are, contrary to some beliefs, intelligent. Though their mental strength generally falls lower than a normal Mavine, it is not that much lower. Though illiterate, they have their own languages, one of which Ikkilidhuk, is used {in the fourth era} as a standard with which aspiring dark following warlords use to communicate with them. however their aptitude for language is generally low. Although their own tongues are complex, they are virtually incapable of learning second languages, even if one so wished. This is largely due to the one over riding drive for these creatures, to kill. Their mating drive is strong, but never as strong as their urge to kill. For both food and pleasure they kill. It seems they have been bred to believe that the Ezleg especially are parasites which have to be destroyed.

For their size they need remarkably little food, and do not need water on its own. It is because of this that they can become so numerous, they are not averse to cannibalism if they come close to starving, but seemingly Ezleg and Mavine flesh they crave. Why these two races cause this is unknown. They live only around forty years, and their young can care for themselves from birth, and each female will continue to fight during their seemingly very short pregnancy if needs be, and they may have over forty litters in their short lives, which last only about thirty years at best.


But if all Orglag were like this, they would be more of a threat to each other than anyone else. They are unimaginative in battle, merely charging forward unless controlled. The Mavine Rempelara, and a few other races can control them if they wished, but that was not known until the third era. Their own leaders are called Orglag Arak “the black Orglag”


Around one in a hundred Births of this race is a black Orglag. They are seemingly genderless and infertile, but show much more intelligence than any normal Orglag. They stand around twelve foot tall, and their skin is not green but black, hence their name. They live much longer, some hundred years or more, and these are the leaders of the Orglag. They show a vicious cunning and all other Orglag obey them willingly, the reason why is not known. But two black Orglag in a small area will always fight, and even when controlling whole armies, they have to be restrained from killing each other. They are also different from the normal Orglag in that they use weapons to fight with, usually barbed swords.


Thus are the Orglag, the first race to fall to the evils, however, they were not the last to be blighted by them.


The word Orglag is believed to derive from an Orglag word *Oragalag of unknown

Meaning – it was probably shouted in battle. in Kaldon it has acquired the meaning

“To Damn” As a independent lexical entry Orglagath. It is usually used

in the singular to refer to the plural. There are many other words

for them, but none as widespread as this.


The Korsiano


Known by the Kaldon name Valmarak “the dark riders”


The Korsiano are historically the same race as the Hloridvalm, though both races have since diverged from each other. At first appearance they are like a cross between a massive horse and a bear, but with no body hair. They are some fifteen feet long and stand on all fours at all times, but they do have their own languages, and are very cunning. It is unfortunate that this race is counted as one of the children of darkness because it has long been enslaved by the Orglag. They are used to bear the dark Mavine and sometimes Orglag into battle, often carrying three Orglag or five Mavine on a great restraining saddle, at a time. However, they do not seem to do this willingly, and the Orglag especially must be very careful not to go anywhere near the great teeth of this creature in fear of loosing a arm, as the Korsiano despise them. The Korsiano are very vicious and will eat almost anything that comes within reach of them.


However, we know very little about them first hand. most of what we do know has been told to us by the Hloridvalmi, who are historically the same race. Thus many features, such as how they mate and how long they live, are believed to be the same, or at least similar between the two races. However, the Korsiano have a killing lust easily comparable to the Orglag. Killing them is not easy, their skin is very thick and they will survive many arrows. However, they have no real resilience against the Rempelari, and it is often left to them to stop these beasts.


Most of what we do know is given under the Hlorivalmi, thus see below.


They are called in Kaldon Valmarak “Dark riders” plural Valmaraki.

The name Korsiano {singular Korsia} is the Hloridvalm’s own term

For them, meaning, it is said “The sins”


The Hloridvalmi “the honour riders”


There is a famous story in the Ardylamar dealing with the beginning of this race, which shall be repeated here in brief.


The Original home of the Korsiano was to the east, in Daizagul we believe. And as such they were quickly captured by the evils. However, corruption of an entire race does not happen quickly, as the Dark Mavine showed. And in the second century of the first era, they were still fighting against their conquerors, but were already used in battle due to their usefulness. However, since, unlike the Orglag, they were a culturally advance people, they fought much harder. However, as the modern Korsiano show, most were unsuccessful, and they were finally lost. however, a few did escape the clutches of the evils. Thus it was, that a Vrolevili patrol including the Ezlag Belzeg came upon a party of Orglag with these creatures, they set them free, and the creatures ran free, slaying the Orglag. However, all of Belzeg’s party will killed save him, and he was knocked out.

When he awoke, the surviving creatures were gathered around him. They were a few hundred, but they would not leave the last of those who had set them free, such is their belief that debts must be repaid. They offered to serve him forever, but he refused. Instead he asked them only to help the Vrolevili in their fight against the evils and to never turn against the Ezleg. Ever since then, where the Ezleg, especially the Vrolevili have gone, the Hloridvalmi have gone also, and have never wavered from their alliance to the Ezleg. They were thus given their name Hloridvalmi “honour riders”


The Hloridvalmi now differ much from the Korsiano. The former have lived often in peace and held onto their dignity, the latter however have been reduced to mindless monsters in a barren land. The Korsiano have lost all their body fur, while the Hloridvalmi retain a thick pelt. The Hloridvalmi are also somewhat larger, some eighteen feet long, probably because they have a much better diet than the Korsiano could ever hope to have. They are great creatures if their ever was one.


They are very intelligent, having their own tongues, as well as the ability to learn others. Indeed they learn languages very fast indeed, by their eighth year they will know Kaldon, which they learn for the sake of their savours who they still aid. In other ways they are much like the Korisano. However they have no wish to kill, and are generally quiet creatures.


In theory, they could have their own true civilisations, but they have never had them. they have basic homes, gatherings in mountain areas, or in better days, open fields. They don’t read however, but have a strange fondness for spoken stories of the past. Any inspiring poet is welcome with them. They are not that well disposed towards other races however. They are tolerant of the Seldar, but are quite hostile to the Mavine and Kalrathen, as they do not always treat the land with respect. They do have a fondness for the Rempelari, and of course, they let a few Mavine scholars and poets come to them. however, since it would take at least fifty well armed Mavine to take down one of these creatures, they keep their distance if they are in battle.


They still bear the Ezleg into battle however, some, especially the young, that is those between their fiftieth and two hundredth year, sometimes spend their days at Ezleg cities. If the Ezleg need them in mass, they can merely go and find them, as there is usually a gathering within a couple of days of large city. They will them come to the city and fight, bearing usually twelve Ezleg into Battle. the Ezleg for their part, made a large saddle with harnesses on which they can sit – the Hloridvalmi can run faster and longer than any horse, and it takes a great horse rider to be a good rider of a Hloridvalmi. It is also a dangerous thing, as a fall could easily mean death. On a lighter side, those who remain at cities allow warriors to train upon them, and that is the main way one gains practice.


They have only a few children like the Korisano, one every hundred years, however, they are impervious to disease, never has one of these creatures been known to have died from disease. The females are actually slightly larger than the males, which is probably due to how large the young are, about a third of their adult size. However, both sexes fight and are ridden


They are very social creatures,  speaking much amongst both their own kind and with the Ezleg, but in truth their intellect, which is easily comparable to that of the Ezleg, is not heavily needed. They often go on runs which last weeks and cross hundreds upon hundreds of miles. They also fight the Evils on their own if they are near. Generally a race which is not seem by many people apart from the Ezleg and the few others who are allowed near them. They have their own tales, stories and legends from the past, which only the Ezleg have generally heard. However, their one single thing they seem to show is remorse over the lost of most of their race to the evils. They are indeed a sorrowful people. they seem to number perhaps half a million all told at the end of the fourth era.


The name Hloridvalm, plural Hloridvalmi means “Honour riders”

They no longer use their own name, Korsiano, leaving that as

The name of their lost kin


The Dalari

Known by the Kaldon name Guluhlom “fire body”


The Dalari are in form, a huge beast the size of a very large elephant. They stand some twenty feet tall, with great claws on each hand that can tear an Ezlag apart with ease. Their Kaldon name comes from the fact that save by using hundreds of arrows or spears, the only sure way to kill these creatures is by using fire, as they burn easily – their thick leathery skin been easily susceptible to little else. Generally however we know very little about these creatures. We know they speak a tongue which is nigh incomprehensible to any other race. They have been used in battle by the Evils from the third era onwards. But where they live, how they breed and how intelligent they are is unknown, and we have only a few bodies to gain our information from. They are believed to be a creature of the plains of Borlag-line-Bair, which would explain why we cannot get much information from them. Since they do have their own language and are at least partially intelligent, they are grouped into the Zakwalith peoples, simply because they could never be Kalrem. But we still have much to learn of this race save only their actions in battle.


Dalari is one of the names by which the evils call them,

Always in the plural. The Kaldon term Guluhlom

“Fire body” plural Guluhlomi, is less used



The Kalrem


The Aranixari “the rulers of water”


Despite the fact that this race is part of the Kalrem group, it has ever been set apart from all others because they live in the sea. The Ezleg have long known them since the days of the voyage of Beldaron, as had the Minare, and they have been at peace ever since. However, save one major, and several minor incursions into affairs on dry land, this race has always been somewhat of a mystery to the eyes of Mavine.


Their recorded history goes back at least twenty thousand years, which is five thousand years further back than the Ezleg. However, the few who have studied their history are disappointed to see how little it says about Bairgarand, only a few mentions of the Kulezi are noted. In dealing with the Aranixari themselves however, their own histories tell much of their early days, and reveal a culture that has hardly changed at all in  all that time. At the beginning of their recorded history, their homewaters were in the west of Bair, in the seas between Araklare and Elmare. Since them they have spread throughout the oceans, and now are widespread in most of the Arinika ocean, and are also present in the waters around south and western Bairgarand. In modern times they have a few beaches in southern Daizagul {see below} and they trade often with Var’mina, but more often than not will rather keep a low profile in the face of other races.


The race is vaguely human in appearance, evidence of their relatedness to the Seldar and Mavine. They are shorter than most Mavine, standing around five foot ten, to six foot tall in adult hood. But their bodily forms show their mix of land and sea based heritage. They have a remarkable ten webbed fingers on each hand, but no toes. They wall upright on land and use their hands as any land based creature would. Their skin is a very pale grey to a very pale blue, with blotches of darker colour running up and down the sides of the bodies. They have thick and long hair on their heads, which is a remarkable blue colour.

Since they spend most of their time underwater, their bodies are well adapted to it. Their skin is very thick with virtually no fat, making them difficult to wound with a normal knife, and it would take a very strong person indeed to kill them with one. Their arms and legs have three fins on each, which aids in speed in water, though are not essential. They can naturally breathe underwater, though by organs in the throat rather than gills. However, their children, hatched from eggs, cannot do so until over two years old. Hence their need for settlements on land, which is of course their great weakness. They live about eighty years, but reach adulthood in only eight. They are a very individual people, and do not mate for life. Once every five years, they will search for a mate if they so wish {this differs by birth year, hence one fifth of the species will do this a year}After mating, a hundred days will pass before the female will lay three eggs. And they will hatch a further month later. After a single year the female will depart, and responsibility for the children rests solely on the father. Indeed as a race, only a very few ever remain together for life. Also they are not very social. They have their own tongue for when they are above water, but only a few would ever remain close together as friends.


Though they could live their entire lives above water, most never did so. Males less so than females, as it is the females who make up the larger number of those who defend the beaches. A few others indulged in trades of sorts, and only with the Ezleg. Their main items of trade were pearls, a few metals, and certain species of fish. They have no currency, and ask in return only for tools and in certain cases, knowledge.


Of course there are always the odd ones out. A few of their races spent their whole race on land, several stories tell of explorers, and it is true that this has happened. This trend has slowly increased across time. The only trouble is that they cannot last very long without water, a day without any will kill them. Others live above water, a few stay in Var’mina, and indulge in crafts which their race would seem inept at.


If this was all, the Aranixari would neither be a threat to anyone, nor even a true civilisation. There are three things that prevent this from being so.

Firstly the entire race is group telepathic. It is strongest though relations, but should a few dozen cry for help or die at once, all Aranixari would feel it. This keeps the race as one, truly all for one and one for all. They can also speak directly through telepathy under water, all they have to do is face each other.

Secondly knowledge is not only learned, it is genetic. Basic race and family memories, as well as a vague knowledge of the race history are given by the mother before the children even hatch. The more intense memories are learned from the father. This prevents knowledge from being lost across time.

Thirdly race identity is supreme. A harm to one is indeed a harm to all there are no separate nations, they see themselves wholly as only one people. thus strife between them is virtually nil, but in revenge, he entire race becomes involved. This had a great effect on the events at the end of the second era.

In that time the Orglag and the rest of the evils were slowly conquering all of Bair. In Bairgarand the empire of Ivsraln was slowly crushing the western nations, and in Araklare the Kordilan were reeling. Then the Orglag overstepped themselves, and attacked several of the Aranixari’s beaches, killing hundreds of children. This act caused what is remembered as the holy war of the Aranixari. Hundreds of thousands of them attacked the Orglag in Araklare, and a massive force invaded Daizagul, slaughtering the Orglag. Despite fearsome losses themselves, they joined with the other nations of Bairgarand and the Kordilan and finally crushed Ivrasln. The Evils took three thousand years to rebuild their strength, and never again did the Orglag dare touch the beaches of the Aranixari. For their part, the Aranixari still fight the evils, but do so on their own, and only where they threaten their own race.


As a final note, the race naturally do not usually ware clothes, but when above water they ware thick cloaks, as they  find the dry land to be cold even in the height of Elmëgazar, even when they are dying of thrist in a desert they will still thing the lands are cold.


The Newen “the travellers”


Originally, the Newen were Aranixari, and indeed, they still are basically the same race with only a few genetic differences. Basically, the Newen are those of the Aranixari who don’t want a life which is so unloving. In other words, they are those who want to mate for life. The Aranixari never held it against them, and they have never been at conflict for their beliefs, it is just that they are different. However, some of the race has been separate for at least eighteen thousand years, and as such, they are slowly changing their genetics. They are not yet genetically incompatible, and indeed, certain Aranaxari who have the same views do still come and join them, they have never been numerous, perhaps around twenty or thirty thousand. However, they are becoming distinct. Their skin is more blue than the Aranixari’s and their hair is quite often red, yellow or orange. However, their culture is certainly different. They mate for life {or in some cases, don’t at all, but they still hold the same views} and are much more caring for the individual than the race, though they still feel the race togetherness of the Aranixari {however, it is said to be beginning to weaken between them} They mate for life, and both parents look after the children, not just the father. However, they are Biologically, much the same as the Aranixari. However, they are called the travellers, as they spend much more time on land than any Aranixari, chances are, if any Mavine thinks they saw a Aranixari on land, it was much more likely a Newen. The Aranixari for their part, don’t believe the Newen to be a separate race, just a very strange part of their own, something the Newen dispute, and as such they have adopted the Kaldon term for them. Another thing to note, is that they have no fixed beaches of their own, and are thus nomadic in all ways of life. They are also much less inclined to fight than even the Aranixari. They will defend themselves, but will never attack anyone for any other reason. The only actual source of bitterness between the Newen and the Aranixari is that the Newen will tell their history to other races, where as the Aranixari believe it should be kept to themselves.


Newe plural Newen is Kaldon for “Travellers” and the Newen took

This word over a native one to show that they were no longer



The Relesar

Known by the Kaldon name Balithikal “Mind speakers”



This race is one of the strangest of the mortal peoples, and indeed, they are very different from the others. They are a marine people, and their closest relations are indeed the Aranixari, but they are in fact very much different from them. They look somewhat darker than the Aranixari, with a somewhat yellow tinge to their skin that makes them look almost sickly to unknowing eyes. they have only a short amount of orange hair, which never grows very long. They have only three fingers {and no thumbs} on each hand, and unlike the Aranixari, their skin feels damp at all times. Because of this they cannot survive out of water for more than a few days in their true form {see below} They reach adult hood in only two years, and only live to around sixty. If they mate, they do so for life, and the female can only have three children during her life, the first female, and the second male, and the third can be either. They give birth to live young, but  unlike the Aranixari, can do so underwater, as the new born children can survive underwater. As such they need no beaches like the Aranixari.


There are two things which makes this race seemingly unique, and the first is of course the fact that they cannot speak. That is, not vocally. Seemingly their ancestors spent so long underwater that they lost the ability to do so. However, the loss of vocal speech has been replaced by very strong telepathic communication. No race on Bair save perhaps only the Minare have such strong telepathic drives. But the Minare only talk to themselves in such a manner, and not even always then. But the Relesar speak to all races telepathically. They can pick out a single person within a mile, and communicate with them, and the other creature can talk back through their mind, and there is never any language barrier. They cannot however read thoughts or, unless willed, join into another conversation. They also seem to be the only race except for the Mavine to be able to use the Spectrum in any form, although in their case, it is only in healing, and in no other form.


The second thing, which is possibly stranger, is that they can mimic other races, but only to their height {of around five ten} to change their appearance, they huddle themselves into a kind of “coccon” over night, and the next morning, they will appear as that race, perfect in form save for the fact that they still cannot speak. However, this bizarre feature has its disadvantages. They can only mimic creatures of basically the same height or build. That means they can mimic the Mavine, the Seldar, the Romine, The Aranixari, and at a pinch, the Kalrathen. However, an Orglag or Ezlag would be impossible, save perhaps the form of a child. However, this change of form, cannot last indefinitely. After some twenty days, their body begins to revert back to normal, and after that they need some time before they can do it again. However, they never do this to cause harm, they in fact, hardly ever fight at all. It is just that this strange feature has given the appearance that they are in some way evil, which is certainly not true.


A strange fact about these creatures is that they often hide among the other races shown above, merely watching. They enjoy watching it seems, but they are absolutely terrified of being confronted by more than a dozen or so people. they will happily walk through the streets amongst hundreds or even thousands, but if twelve people start shouting at them, they will panic and flee, letting out the only vocal sound they can, a incredibly high pitched wail that will shatter the ear drums of a Mavine if they stand next to them.


Seemingly then, there is no better spy. However, their values are utterly alien to all other races. They seemingly do not care for the individual, only everyone else. They also seem to have little notion of “good” and “evil” They however have very good notions of “happy” and “sad” if people are generally happy, they will be happy themselves, if people are sad, they will feel distressed. Thus in some respects this does apply to the good and evils sense. However, if someone is happy because they are killing dozens of people, but the Relesar does not know why, then they will find that good. However, their mincing mature has been used on a few occasions. The Minare seem to be the only people who have ever got this people to do any “spying” and then only in very rare occasions. Perhaps the two races telepathic nature holds them akin.


Also there are a few stories of Mavine falling in love with these creatures. Whether they are completely true or not cannot be said, but both races have been found to be genetically compatible, and any children are like the Relesar. However, this is basically all we know of this most strange and bizarre race.


The Seldar “the people of doom”

A Seldarinisation of Kaldon Zildara “day of dooms”


The Seldar, are the second most numerous of the races of Bair. Their history goes right back into the first era when they were discovered by the Minare. After the Mavine they are the largest race of people on Bair, at one time having realms from Bairgarand in the east to Elmare and Alaklare to the west and being the most numerious. In the recent times of the fourth era they have been assailed in many of their lands and their population has slowly declined, but are still the second largest race of beings upon Bair excluding the children of darkness. Their culture is vast, and they are well remembered to be the closest race in friendship with the Mavine.

But beneath all their achievements, there comes their one great curse – or one great gift depending on how you look at it. It is no secret that the Seldar can see their own death, and basically all their culture and civilisation circles around this fact.

What people do not often understand is that the view is limited, both naturally and by gender. Females can see when they will die, males can see how they will die. Neither is exact however. A female will know when they will die only to within about a year. A male with now how they die, i.e. by an axe, by a knife or so, but not, if it is murder for example, who killed them, though they will know that they will be murdered, or that they will die peacefully, or in great pain or what ever. They know this inherently and often dream about it. In addition no Seldar will ever try to cheat death, even if their foreseen end is very disturbing, they may well go and fight for a just cause somewhere, but they will never try and cheat their end, believing that in their next life they will have a far worse time.

In many ways people have said that the females get the better end of this. When one knows when, it means you can plan your life around the fact that everything must be done by a certain time. Knowing how is little use to anyone, least of all the male. Male Seldar are often very paranoid, and many give the appearance of being scared to death of certain things or places – knowing that they will be involved in their death.

Because of this Seldarin society is distinctively Matriarchal. This is not to say it is sexist against the males. The males can rule clans, but the balance falls towards the females in organisation and more “Large” tasks. For example there are many male and female Seldarin writers and scribes, but many more women take part in government or building projects and such. Again it must be emphasised that these are trends not rules or laws or even customs in which a male shouldn’t do something. If a male wants to help build buildings, so good for them.

Seldarin society is clan based, at least for the majority. A few men, often those who foresee distinctly horrible ends will sometimes be quite antisocial, and these will often spend their lives fighting for one cause or another. The clan consists, in law, of five generations of a family at the least, and ten to the most. Thus a tenth cousin is still counted as part of a certain clan, and can continue to be called so at a longer remove. Of course a person can be a member of many clans, but they take the one that their mother is born into as their “first clan” Matters of clans are not based on allegiance, but on togetherness. Only together do the Seldar truly feel that they are in their place. A clan will often have several thousand people or more. The clan names are taken from a) Seldarin legends, and more commonly, b) Old heroes. Usually a clan will begin after a old hero dies, and the heroes decadents will be made into a new clan – the heroes other relatives, nieces, cousins, brothers etc will remain in the old clan.

Clans often come and go. War is the biggest leveller of clans. Clans go to war together and thus a single defeat can often destroy a clan. When a clan is devastated so the survivors usually abandon the clan and join to the one that they are closest in relation to. If they are saved by another clan in battle, they may also join that clan.

The clan is a community controlled thing, but there is a head speaker, as said, most usually a woman, who makes the final decision.

The clan structure is a part of Seldarin society that can never be broken, and at times it has hindered civilisation. Rarely do the Seldar build cities, often each clan will be based in one town.


Everything of course comes back to their doom. The trouble is that over many years it may well change slowly and slightly, and the Seldar do not usually notice it. But in any case it gives them one great advantage when they need it, they are utterly fearless. If you know you are not going to die, you will fight, if you know you are going to die, you will fight anyway and do what you can before you fall. The Mavine have marvelled as Seldarin armies have stood against impossible odds and have survived, or in some cases, have not.

But the most important things is that the Seldar do not tell their doom to any but the very closest in their lives. It is something that is shared only then, and very rarely else.


The Seldar stand about six foot two to six foot five in height, though there is a little leeway either side. They always look remarkably thin, but not so thin as to be gaunt. Their skin is very pale, but not so much that to Mavine eyes it looks strange, beautiful is a better term, and their hair is always a magnificent silver. Not a grey silver of age, but a beautiful “proper” silver, which shines in sunlight. This is always left long, down to shoulder height, male or female. They have, strangely, five fingers and a thumb on each hand, and their finger nails are always white. They have the same amount of toes.

There is little apparent difference between males and female to human eyes. the female face is slightly smoother, and they are very slightly taller. Their breasts are smaller than a Mavine females, and the only real way to tell male and female apart a first is to listen to their voices. A male voice is musical but quite deep, a female voice is not made for singing, but is quite high pitched. It is very distinctive, and one cannot mistake it. Also there is some difference in the clothes and hair. Females always tie back their hair, males only do that when it is necessary, such as in a battle. The males usually ware brown, red or green colours, females ware yellow, blue and white. Black is never worn, but other colours are worn by both sexes.


In baring children the Seldar are more like the Mavine than any other race, and indeed can interbreed. The Seldar can only have children in the winter months {applies to both sexes} the pregnancy lasts a whole year. The birth is much easier for a female Seldan than for a female Mavine. The child ages quickly for its first year – in a year growing to what would be about aged four for a Mavine child. But then the child slows its ageing. It takes thirty years to reach adulthood from birth, and not until their fiftieth year or so can they have their own children. A Seldan, if no misfortune comes upon them, will easily live six hundred years, but unlike the Ezleg, and more like the Mavine age does hit them, but not until much later than in Mavine. “adult hood and middle age” so to speak follows until the Seldan is around five hundred and fifty, then they will decline like a human would into old age. It is remarkable that almost all Seldar will die, if not killed first, within two years of their six hundredth year.

As said the Seldar can mate with humans. A “half Seldar” child will retain the silver hair of the Seldan parent, but not the vision of their death. They will live around three hundred years. Their own children will be respectively human or Seldan depending on their own mate. But the visages of that union will carry on through the ages. Occasionally a child will have the silver hair on the human side, and occasionally as Seldan will look In face slightly more human than normal, but it is rare.


The Seldar never marry in the Mavine sense of the word, nor even in the Ezleg sense. though, since they can control birth by the time of the year, the “free love” ideal works with them, as soon as they have a child, they will almost always stay together. But because of their long lives, they may well spend several years apart at a time. There is no pressure on two Seldar having children, about one in five never have children. Some will live together their whole lives without having children, and the Seldar believe that two Seldar should believe that they are sexually suited before having children.


The Seldar in the realm of disease and infection are somewhere between the Mavine and the Ezleg. They don’t get the more mundane problems like colds, flu, and such minor ailments. But septicaemia, though rare, can be caused in bad wounds, and a few more exotic diseases often cause problems. But they are generally very resistant to ills.


The Seldar never eat meat as they cannot digest it. But they can eat basically any type of plant in existence, many of which would be poisonous to Mavine. Thus they rarely keep any animals save the horse, though they much prefer to walk, and they do not make good cavalry, though they have been known to fight thus. But it is through this issue of eating meat that many of their problems with other races come from. They find it distasteful to say the least, but in most cases they can put it aside as a minor problem, such as when the Mavine east meat. But with the Kalrathen they cannot, because they east raw meat, and nothing else. This is probably the root of all the problems between the two races, and one that has never truly been resolved.


The Seldar are susceptible to corruption by the Evils, and there was several instances of this, but never in mass, only the occasional Seldan will side with the Evils, most are its staunch enemies. None the less, paranoia of the corruption had more than once cause civil strife amongst the Seldar.


The Seldarin tongue [I will get this done] is a nightmare for the Mavine to learn. It is a agglutinative tongue with lots of vowels and very difficult long joined words. It has changed quite a lot over time, and three different language groups are now spoken across Bair, not all of which are mutually intelligible. To Mavine ears, despite the difficulty of learning the tongues, they sound very beautiful indeed


The Original Kaldon terms for this race was Zildar “Day of doom” plural Zildara

 The Seldar borrowed it as Selidan plural Selidar {-an singular –ar plural} and

It came back into Kaldon as Seldar, and because the Mavine and Minare

Pronounced it that was also, it entered Kaldon in that form, the only

occurrence of the sound /s/ in the Kaldon sound system



The Mavine “the young ones”


The “Mavine” are the youngest of the mortal peoples, and are commonly called “Humans” in truth though they are not truly human, as, a) the “primate” species has never existed on Bair, and a) they seem much more advanced, perhaps as we may be in a future stage of evolution. All of this is quite aside from the Rempelari abilities, because even excusing them, they are quite different than us.

Visually one can see the difference. Though heights naturally vary between different ethnic groups, the Mavine of Bair are on average taller than we are. If we look at the entire race, the average height works out at about 6 foot 2 for men and 6 foot 3 for women. While the Othlite and Kordilan people are noticeably taller, averaging at least 6 foot 5. Instantly notable then is that women are usually taller than men. Also, the difference between the sheer physical strength of both sexes is negligible, although if one must come to the crunch women are very slightly weaker. The reason that this is so must be due to the constant years of fighting by both sexes in long wars.

Eye colours differ more than ours do – yellow, grey, black, blue, brown, black and green eyes. hair colour differs more also, notably a brown-green colour in some, and silver from the influence of Seldarin blood.

Notably is that the internal organs differ. They have no spleen and no appendix, and the heart and lungs are larger. In addition women can only have children at two times of the year, midsummer and midwinter.

Most notably however is how they age. Puberty begins younger, at about ten of our years, but the time of adolescents lasts longer, until about twenty. Early adult hood lasts up to forty years, and in this time neither sex seems to age. Then, at about sixty, they begin to age more, but still slowly. Old age does not really begin in most Mavine until their hundredth year, and the average age is about one hundred and twenty. There are exceptions. Few of the slavery peoples ever live beyond fifty, and a few of the Othlites have been known at times to reach their two hundredth year, though most die by one hundred and sixty five. In certain families, due to some other influence their ages can be more, such as in part Seldarin families. Rempelari of course live much longer.


If you look at behaviour, there are certain traits that differ from our own. Firstly the sexes are much closer in behaviour. Men are less power or money hungry, and women are much more assertive, and this in turn leads to the equality between the sexes even from the beginning. Men care much more for their own children and women are much more involved in political matters. Also all Mavine have an instinctive will to “learn” they will do it, or at least try to even if not specially taught. Thus can most Mavine read, through self initiative, and generally they are more intelligent than us, and not so self centred.


Since the Mavine of Bair are as diverse as us, this is not the places to chart the history or diversity of their cultures. The Mavine are now the most numerous of all the races on Bairgarand, existing on every continent natively save only Elmare, where they now live in several cities to trade with the Seldar. Their longer lives than terrestrial humans means that both their culture and their languages change slower than ours. Of course both do change, just at a slower pace. In the language stakes it has taken around fourteen thousand years to change the Prtoto-vinotz language group as much as Indo-European has changed in the last six thousand. A greater difference is that on Bairgarand, thanks to much older races than them, they know much more of their early culture than would be otherwise known. Also, the fact that the Proto-Vintotz peoples were much more advanced than any terrestrial civilisation before industrialisation has strange consequences, this must partly be an offshoot of their longer lives and their wish to learn. In any case the Mavine races have, despite the inherent flaw of constantly fighting amongst themselves unless a greater danger {or a greater anchor} is present, constantly expanded, and no one is sure what will happen if they continue to expand in such a fashion.


The word “Mavine” is derived from the Kaldon Adjective

Mavinez “young” and as such the word Mavine has

Taken on the meaning “Young people” the singular

Is Mavin, the treu plural is Mavini, but Mavine is

Used as a collective


The Batërakleara “Night fighters”


This race is one of Bair’s lesser known races. Indeed few know about their existence save only in history, or in most cases, legend. The legends tell of a shadow race which was nigh destroyed by the evils, and the few survivors have took it upon themselves to fight them unto the death, and defend those who cannot. It is perhaps remarkable then, that a large amount of the legends are quite true, but of course, there is much more to it than that.


This race, as one of the Kalrem peoples, shares many affinities with the rest of the group, which are all in all, very close genetically. This is very much true of the Batërakleara, who are somewhat of a middle ground between the other Kalrem peoples in certain respects, for example, though they are now completely land dwelling, they retain the ability to breathe under water, though they find that it is a very unpleasant thing for them to do. They stand around six foot tall, male and female, and are magnificent climbers. Their hands can secrete a sticky substance with which they use to climb almost any substance, be it rock, metal, trees or ice, they can climb it better than any other. It is not surprising that their legends speak of “the father” who seems to be Hifylar, who after all, was a climber. He said little on this, but it is believed that he did find them, but to what he actually did, only the legends now tell. However, their great climbing ability is not their most intriguing feature, that is their chameleonic ability.


For some reason unknown, they are able to change their skin colour to blend in with almost any substance, and it is for this reason that they are little known, as they rarely have to show themselves to do what they want. However, normal clothes does prevent this, and to prevent the need of striping naked to blend in, they have long since developed a cloth which changes colour with them, and they make their essentials out of this, warring normal clothes on top, which can be removed in need. This ability is there from birth, but is confused in the child’s first years, not until ten years can they control it properly.


When unchanged, they look remarkably like the Mavine. Indeed, it is believed that the two races can interbreed, but for this we have only rumours. They seem much slighter, if not in height, in presence, than the Mavine, and even the Seldar. Their skin is more variable than some, from very pale, to deep brown, depending on climate. However, their one distinguishing feature in looks is their flaming red hair. Which is very bright indeed, and is kept long by males and females. It is quite strange in that it curls much more than in the Mavine, some have said that their hair reflects their mood. However, their chameleonic abilities do not mean that they can change their hair colour, or their skin colour for that matter, they can only blend in. thus they are not averse to dying their hair when they need to go into Mavine lands. Their bodies are otherwise little different from the Mavine. The females have no breasts, as their children can feed themselves from birth, but that is all.


They are also somewhat telepathic, the hallmark of a Kalrem race. However, it is more like that of the Seldar than that of the Relesar. They are empathic, and share bonds with their mates, which can be felt over great distances, and any great massacre of their race will be felt by a dire sadness, but their abilities do not go further than that.


They live around a hundred and thirty years, and reach adult hood in fifteen. Nearly every one of this race mates, and they do it early, usually before their twentieth year, as, strangely, they cannot have children after their thirtieth. Their live children are much more advanced than Mavine or Seldan children, in most way being miniature four year olds in Mavine ages their first years show incredible growth. However, we know precious little about their culture as they will not speak of it. They are very sociable, and have a strong sense of honour, and though a practical people, they love tales of battles and heroes. Their language however, is very strange to other races. To them, speech and handsignals are integrated into one system which cannot be separated – in the dark, when one cannot see each other, they cannot communicate properly. Basically, all nouns and adjectives are spoken, the verbs and grammar are done using the handsignals. They have a highly developed form of writing with which to record this. It has been learned by others, indeed it is not as difficult as Seldarin. However, it is still difficult. However, the Batërakleara can learn other languages where it is only the spoken word that matters. To them, it feels flat and drab language like this, as they cannot express enough. But they manage well enough, and are good learners of other tongues, as they have a remarkable ability to pronounce different sounds, so much so that their own tongue has many different consonants.


Their name comes from their history. It is believed that the evils once did something to them that is no longer spoken by them to others. Their homelands are spread thinly across Bairgarand and Daizagul, but though the legends of them date from the first era {indeed, there is a famous incident in the Ardylamar}they did not officially speak to any other race until the second era. Their homes are rarely found as they will live nigh anywhere where any other race is not. As civilisations have advanced, they have not reduced their homes, as they have never been a numerous people, perhaps two hundred thousand is all that they are. But they do not hide from true foes, they are superb warriors, assassin like, and indeed, they are not averse to that art. Their name has been gained by searching out evils in cities and border lands in small groups, or alone, and butchering them without mercy. On occasion, they show themselves in great and important battles, always asking permission to fight alongside the allied armies, and disappearing after the fighting. They have never fought between themselves. 


This race is always known by their Kaldon name Batëraklear plural Batërakleara

“Night fighters” though they have taught others their language, they never

reveal their true name in that tongue, for what reason is unknown.



The Romine “Flying-Mavine”

Known as the unfortunate


This race is in many respects a gifted race, blessed with abilities only the spirits can emulate. But for all their gifts they are from the very beginning an unfortunate race, for as is told below, Nikarin males often, if none of their own females will relent, rape the females of other races. Only the Mavine and Seldar can beget children by these creatures, and these half breed offspring are called Romine.

The mother will go through the pregnancy as if all is normal until the birth itself, during which, racked with pain and agony, will almost always die. The child will seen perfectly normal, depending upon whether the mother was Mavine or a Seldan. In the case of the Mavine, until the child reaches adolescence, everything will seem fine, save that the child will often be bed ridden by an unseen illness. In the case of Seldarin children, there are more differences. The child will age faster than normal {it usually takes twenty five years for a Seldan child to reach puberty} reaching that stage by their eighteenth year. A Seldarin child will also have no visions of their death, and thus be free of that burden. But until puberty the children of both races will look just like a normal child on the outside. At puberty, the child will experience much greater illness, vomiting, chills, sudden fits, which last, on and off, for about a year. Then, at any moment, wings will burst from the child’s back, and in the case of both races, their hair will quickly turn jet black.

The Romine have, and always will be, a quite secretive race. Of old they hid away in mountains. Though during the second and third eras, the were remembered as allies by all, with the loss of older knowledge, they are shunned, feared, and even hated by Mavine, Seldar, and Kalrathen, with only the Ezleg and Minare remembering their ancient alliance.

At first all Romine were merely half breeds, but from there on, though more join them in such ways, they are also self sufficient as a people, and are able to have their own children, usually only by their own race, but occasionally by another. Their children grow the same way as they themselves, they birth only one child at a time, with a pregnancy of only three months, but are, strangely enough, born in an egg, the only sane race known to be so. This merely heightened the distrust the other race saw of them. but by which means they are an amalgamation of Seldarin and Mavine looks, and all are by nature very handsome people, though all have the same jet black hair. If a Romine mates with either a Mavine or Seldan, the child, will always be of the non Romine’s race, and no decedent will ever be Romine, but such instances are rare indeed, with only a few known across history.

The most prominent part of a Romine’s nature, is without a doubt their sheer anger against all the children of darkness, and especially against the Nikarin. It is without precedent, and is strong even before puberty. A Romine will sense a Child of darkness from over a mile away, and few can turn away such a chase. They are some of the most fearsome warriors known, the entire race lives with the ability to wield a weapon in born, and will usually be called upon to use it. Such is their ferocity, that in the Battle of the nations in the first era, barely a thousand Romine routed and destroyed ten times their number of Nikarin and then turned upon the Orglag below causing massive loss.

The Romine are superb flyers, able to do so only a few days after they have wings. Their wings look much the same as a Nikarin’s, but have no hair upon them and are smaller and more flexible, meaning that they fold to the back when on land. In such a way by warring a cloak, a Romine can seem as a Mavine very easily. But such actions of course can only be undertaken in colder regions, and so in later eras the Romine have favoured the colder northern lands, where they can at times show themselves to the outside world.

There are slightly fewer male than female Romine, though not by a large margin. But only a small part of the population actually have their own children, most merely fight their lives away. They have very long lives however, of about four hundred years, and they retain their strength unto the end, not growing overly weak towards the end so that they can still fly. May their injustices be revenged.


The word Romine is derived from *Romin-Mavine “Flying Mavine”

{for it is often forgotten that they are also descended from the Seldar}

They have many different names for themselves.



Other races not part of the Lamarpelara


The Nikarin “Sly knife”


The name Nikarin is Kaldon for “sly knife” which is one of the many names this race have been given, but since it is the accepted Kaldon term, it is the name by which they are most often known. They are, as the Ardylamar tells, one of the “children of darkness” races, though their true origin is unknown. They were first seen during the breaking of the siege of Xland, in which they played a major role in breaking Iviseal’s defences. For in that battle they came upon their pray from above, even as they still do, causing confusion and chaos while the Orglag break the disorganised ranks apart. It is largely because of them that the armies of Arillirus achieved far greater success in the later years of the first era than in the earlier times.

The race, perhaps more vicious than the Orglag, are certainly unrelated to that race. In truth we do not know their true source. They stand much shorter, at about seven feet tall. Their bodies, both male and female, are covered with a thin layer of black hair. Their long arms are distinctive, as are the three razor sharp claws on each hand. but this means that they cannot use any weapons or tools, for they cannot hold them. Their most distinctive mark however is their great, bat-like wings which arch out from just below their shoulder blades. These wings, with over a three meter span, cause them to be most unwieldy on the ground, and a grounded Nikarin is no match for any foe on a battle field. In the air however, they are deadly, only the Romine better them, and to take down a flying Nikarin from the ground is a fearsome proposition for even the greatest of warriors. Their faces look almost human, save only their sharp fangs which contain a weak venom, and the somewhat angular nature of their face. Such is their likeness, that if a Nikarin had the intelligence, it could at a distance pass off for a Seldan or a tall Mavine, but the Nikarin are unintelligent creatures, the females are smarter, and a few have been known to disguise themselves thus, but the males live on black instinct alone.

It is this black, lustful instinct that makes the Nikarin a hated race indeed, beyond what they do in battle. for the females, more intelligent, rarely want a mate. Thus the males rely on rape, but since the females are themselves apt at battle to defend themselves, many males die, and this is perhaps why there have never been anywhere near as many Nikarin as Orglag, for, though this is but a guess, it is believed that over half of all males die trying to mate. But the Nikarin male does not care what race they mate with, and if they cannot mate with one of heir own, as the Seldar and Mavine found out, the Nikarin are apt to rape other peoples too, and in such an evil act produce the Romine, the children of the twilight, of both races. It is not known why only those two races can bear such children, and why the Ezleg and Kalrathen cannot, but in the end it is any evil thing come what may.

The female’s lay a clutch of around five eggs, which take perhaps a month to hatch. The Nikarin reach maturity in around three years, but, if not slain, can live much longer than that. Some have been known to live up to one hundred and eighty years, but very few make it past their hundredth year because they are not at all civilised and when aged will loose the strength to hunt.

The Nikarin are not cannibals, but will eat almost anything else, though they will not touch the flesh of the Mavine or Kalrathen. They are absolutely terrified of the spirits, and also greatly fear the Romine, for that race burns with a vengeance against them, and slay them mercilessly. May they all one day be destroyed for their savagery.


Nikarin is from Nike-Zarin “sly-knife” they are almost always known by this name


The Ixandizhpelara “the lizard people”

Together with the Ixandizhlmadog “the lizard disease”


These creatures, and the parasite which creates them, are in some ways the strangest of Bair’s strange creatures. Firstly, there is the Ixandizhlmadog “the lizard disease/parasite” which originates from, as it is believed, from Borlag-line-Bair. It is only the size, and rough shape, of a leech, though it is yellow in colour and has the ability to jump very far, up  to three yards. Despite the fact it never moves save to lunge at it’s pray, it is not known how it has travelled enough to be found in a few places outside the Borlag-line-Bair. It lives for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, and can wait decades for pray without moving an inch. It senses movement nearby, and will lunge at any creature within reach. It sucks the blood from animals, and kills them doing so, and will breed after feeding by doubling itself. However, since they can only survive in high mountains, they often die after around a hundred years have passed without food. This is a great blessing, and because of it, very places are known were they exist.


If this was all the parasite does then there would be deaths surely, but there are many things in Borlag-line-bair which cause many more deaths than these. These creatures will kill and devour any creature which it finds except for the Mavine. If one of these things attacks a Mavine, it will die in a few seconds from something unknown in Mavine blood. But in turn  it will infect any Mavine with something terrible.


The wound will not heal, and will fester and the Mavine will go into a fever. This will kill older Mavine, but any children, adults, or early middle aged people will survive. For twenty eight days they will be racked with fever, and will devour every last morsel of food which they can get their hands on. The fever will not stop them doing this. After that time, the wound, still unhealed, will start sprouting webby silk, which cannot be torn, no matter what the Mavin tires. They will instinctively find a hidden place, and the silk will form a cocoon, staring feet up. This will take seven days from start to finish.


There follows sixty days of incubation, and then the cocoon will hatch. The creature is strange to say the least, an amalgamation of the Mavine with a reptile. Their body will remain basically in the Mavine form, however, much of their body will be covered by scales, though they are not thick, it is almost as if the skin had been tattooed, though they are somewhat rough. The face and head will remain normal, though the hair will be very short male or female. However perhaps the strangest thing is that no matter what age the person was in the first place, they will emerge looking, if they were skill a Mavine, as if they were only about sixteen years of age though their face would be much the same. Their since of touch and sight is much stronger, though if the person was Rempelar, they would not be so any longer.


These creatures, the Ixandizhpelara. Though seemingly still like Mavine in looks, are not so otherwise. Indeed they could still pass as Mavine in the street, their entire mental set up is much different. They are social, and amongst others who they know as friends they are very friendly. However, they are absolutely terrified of crowds of strangers. They feel sick to the stomach in a crowd unless they have a strong reason to be there. This does not seem to happen with others of their own race, or with stranger who they know will not hurt them. it seems to be a thing of fear. In all respects they have very little self confidence and very little malice or hate. Since they can still speak and such, it seems that they get plunged into very deep loneliness. This is not for friendship, but for a mate. Only with a mate are they ever truly happy. Occasionally they find another of their kind, and following an incident in Engradure, the rulers gave a small group of uninhabited islands to them, things have improved somewhat in that they know where to go. However, many still do not know of this, and for many thousands of years this was not possible. As such, they tried to find a mate amongst the Mavine. They have almost no violence, and the wish is not for sex, but for a mate, so rape have never occurred. Thus they, since they are always seemingly young, look for those who have lost everything. They are unique in that they produce strong chemicals which will soften the reaction of others to them, so occasionally they do find other maters. Only if their mate dies by the hand of someone do they ever show anger. Or in defence of their children


The children of these unions are strange as well. They can only have children in the winter, and the female had a pregnancy lasting three months, and she will lay three eggs, which will hatch a further month on. The children take ten years to reach adulthood, and are always like their Ixandizhpelar parent. They live around a hundred years, and can have children until they are ninety. It is said that when their mate dies, they often loose the will to live themselves. They can be found in deep forests or mountains, out of the way of civilisation. Their numbers are not many, as more often than not, if discovered they are destroyed. Eight hundred went to the Engradurian island in a year, and across Bair their may be between ten and twenty thousand.

