Warmaster's page


Well, at least it was the last time I was here J


This I suppose is my small corner of the web. I suppose it is just to place and rant as I wish really, but there will no doubt be a few things of a zany nature here, which will go along with what my other web friends are like!


So look, you may just be pleasantly surprised at what is found.


The Bair Page: My own personal Conworld, far from complete, but still a laff. Includes my conlangs within it, as well as some of my writings and even a few short stories.


Me and the Zompist gang page: Me and a load of other conworld “geeks” have spent some time working on our own world in which to show our madness. Keep your eye out for the vowel landers, they’re eeeeemazingly weeeeeired!


Rants and raves: Just the usually outburst of instanity relating to the world around us.


Album reviews: An account of all my Albums, warning, some really obscure heavy metal here!


Me: Well, no website would not be complete without an account of its author!


And that’s about it for now. Go visit www.Zompist.com for the proper guide to mad people like me!